Are You On The Right Path? Just Ask!
dan masden
If nobody is there to support your new choice, how can you know if it's the right one?
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Dan in the HuffPost: What Prince Can Teach Us About Personal Success
dan masden
Success leaves clues. By studying the habits of the world’s top performers, we can create a blueprint to help us achieve the highest levels of success in our own lives.
Read MoreYou Will Be Tested
dan masden
Whatever the negative behavior or belief is that you are willing to surrender, you can count on everything that could possibly trigger you showing up on your doorstep.
Read MoreMaking Tough Decisions
dan masden
The fear of failure is a powerful inhibitor. Yet, the only true failure is in not acting at all.
Read MoreDan in The HuffPost: Can Betrayal Be Useful? What We Can Learn from Easter.
dan masden
What if the experience of betrayal was actually necessary for you to fulfill your potential?
Read MoreThe #1 Tip to Stop Dating Emotionally Unavailable People
dan masden
We’ve all been there, trying to move forward in a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable. However, some people make it a pattern, dating only the people who dangle the “love carrot” before immediately pulling it back just out of reach.
Read MoreCelebration
dan masden
Yet, as we walk our spiritual path and grow as human beings, it is so important for us to celebrate the perceived disappointments as much as the successes. Why? I would suggest two reasons:
Read MoreDan in the Huffington Post: The 5 Things I Learned by Leaving Corporate America
dan masden
In 2014, I took a new job with the biggest job title that I had ever attained. Yep, I climbed to the top of the corporate ladder.
Then I realized it was leaning against the wrong wall.
Read MoreDan in The HuffPost: When the Law of Attraction Goes Wrong
dan masden
The bottom line is that if we are not Crystal clear about our true intentions, we can call in some really messed up energy when we manifest.
Read MoreA Valentine's Talk About Relationships
dan masden
There is the Shakespearean quote, "Love is Blind." However, when you are in a toxic relationship, love can seem deaf, dumb, mute, and otherwise oblivious. This was my story for many years until I realized an important concept.
Read MoreDan in the HuffPost: How Tom Cruise Ruined Your Relationships
dan masden
Relationships aren't about being right, they are about growing into your authentic self. Once you can heal, you can be complete. You know, without dating Jerry Maguire.
Read MoreSuper Goal Sunday
dan masden
We live in the era of instant gratification, where we are all looking for the "get rich quick scheme", or the pill to help you lose weight without dieting, but the ONLY way to create massive change is to take massive action in your life.
Read MoreDan in the Huffington Post: Step One In Unlocking Your Potential
dan masden
Whether you want to change the world with your new business idea, your art, or your act of service, think of your dreams as files being stored for you on a gigantic, universal iCloud, just waiting to be downloaded.
Read MoreDan in the Huffington Post: Turning Your Purpose Into Your Paycheck.
dan masden
Could it be the real problem is that we have the formula backwards? We are waiting for our job to provide us a sense of purpose when, in fact, we should identify our purpose, then find a career that aligns with it.
Read MoreWhat Can the Solar System Teach Us About Our Belief System?
dan masden
We live in a universe that is infinite and full of planets that we simply haven't discovered yet. The same could be said about our own potential. There is a power within you that you haven't tapped into yet.
Read MoreHow I Reached a 2016 Goal In 2 Days and How You Can Do The Same
dan masden
It's Been a Dream 7 Years in the Making. It started in 2009, when I was blogging about my other passion in life... theater. I was writing reviews for a reputable Broadway blog with a good, but not spectacular, audience reach. A family friend saw my work, was impressed with my writing...
Read MoreHow to Live Like a Powerball Winner… Without Actually Winning the Lottery
dan masden
1.3 billion dollars!!! In one night, someone will make more money than the new Star Wars movie has grossed globally. Their net worth will be 114 times greater than President Obama’s. Money will no longer be an obstacle to living the life that they want. But what is it that we are really looking for when we buy that ...
Read MoreIs it Time To Fire Your Friends?
dan masden
And what you might not know about the cast of Friends is that their on screen bond we saw during those conversations at "Central Perk" was replicated with a strong off-screen bond as well. During the first season of the show, the cast was all making the same salary of ...
Read MoreThe #1 Way to Stick to Your New Years Goals
dan masden
I walked past the gym in my building today, and it was PACKED. Every treadmill was in use and the sound of clanging weight machines could be heard from down the hallway. It's the time of year where everyone is on FIRE for their New Years resolution. It was the busiest I've seen ...
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