Why pseudo-gratitude sucks
Guest User
Don’t get me wrong, a daily gratitude practice is the bedrock of an amplified life. When you take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, life gives you more to be grateful for. Gratitude is the first step to the elusive “abundance mindset” you have heard and read about in the self-help world.
Read MoreIt’s okay to fail
Guest User
Has perfectionism and the need to “get it right” held you back from getting started and achieving your 2019 goals?
This coaching is for you.
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It was supposed to be a “dream job”
Guest User
In 2014, I landed the biggest gig of my 18-year corporate career. I had a fancy title that sounded important, a nice corner office, and a cushy, 6-figure salary to match. On paper, life looked great.
Read MorePumpkin Spice
Guest User
Seriously, I just saw a news story about pumpkin-spice flavored Spam selling out in a day... it's officially out of control. However, I’m popping into your inbox to remind you that a joyous life isn’t only available to you during the 8 weeks you can buy a pumpkin spice latte. You’re here to live a pumpkin spice LIFE.
Read MoreProcrastination is the biggest expense
Guest User
I’ve spent the last few instalments of my blog expanding on the conversation I had with Sarah Reilly. You can find her at; she posts a lot of content; you could dig around her site for days and continue to be inspired.
Read MoreOur stories can keep us stuck
Guest User
Last week we ended off discussing the stories we tell ourselves, and even the stories we tell others, to justify staying where we are. These stories can keep us stuck, and in a place where we are not our best selves. This leads us into a conversation around how we manifest change; some people call it the law of attraction, manifestation, co-creation. It gets a lot of talk; and yet I don’t think many of us understand the real way it works.
Read MoreYour Ego Exists for a Reason
Guest User
I left off last week on the concept of ego, and how it is as much a part of us, as our liver (in Sarah’s words!) They both serve purposes, they’re both related to our survival. And they both need to be handled with care. If we accept that the ego’s not going away, it may die many deaths in various forms, but it exists for a reason. Then the key is not to get all obsessive about trying to kill it off, but rather to recognize that it’s a quirk of your biology.
Read MoreWhat’s Your Coping Mechanism?
Guest User
Last week, I paused our conversation on the concept of coping mechanisms. Sarah was speaking about how our system doesn’t self-audit and self-update. She elaborated on this by noting if you don’t work with someone and do that work in your adult years, then you are basically applying a bunch of coping mechanisms that you used to navigate and survive elementary school, and you’re trying to apply that to your adult relationships and your adult business.
Read MoreHow We Are Wired For Survival
Guest User
In my last blog, I started to introduce you to Sarah Reilly. I’ve known Sarah for a while, and one of the most profound statements she made to me (and I say “one of” because she inspires me all the time), is “Your new life will cost you your old one.” When I reflect upon this, I think about how to move forward; you will always have something behind you. Everyone is ok with saying they want to move forward; it’s the letting go of the past (while acknowledging its importance in where you’re going) that is the hard part.
Read MorePersonal Development and Modern Science
dan masden
I tackle a lot of HUGE topics on my podcast (I appreciate all of you that take the time to listen and comment). I’ve realized, from your comments, the importance of revisiting some of our talks over here on my blog. And there’s a couple of reasons what I’m excited to take this on.
Read MoreThe 4 Ingredients of Freedom and Abundance
dan masden
What separates the people who are thriving emotionally, financially, and spiritually by doing work that ignites their souls from the people who are trapped and unfulfilled in a mind-numbing 9-5 job? The people who are crushing it have 4 ingredients that set them up for success.
Read MoreWhen Weekends Off Aren't Enough.
dan masden
There is a shift happening in America.. A new report released this morning says the number of Americans who will choose self-employment will triple by 2020. People are tired of working in an office where profits and shareholder value are more important than purpose.
Read MoreThe Mindset Shift to Create More Abundance NOW
dan masden
Over the last 3 years, what I've seen time and time again is that there's one mindset shift we must make in order to truly experience abundance at the highest levels.
Read MoreWhen Growth Feels Like The Flu
dan masden
I was surrounded by like-minded people who shared my vision to make an impact in the world. The entire weekend up until this point had felt like pure love and unbridled joy.
So why was I ready to vomit?
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Truth: I Almost Gave Up On My Business
dan masden
We will experience expansions and contractions in our career, finances, health, and relationships. But because our nervous system is wired to avoid pain rather than experience pleasure, we want to give up when we feel squeezed too tightly.
In doing so, we'll never get to experience the expansion on the other side.
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Why My #1 Podcast Almost Never Happened.
dan masden
When you try to take the easy path, life will be difficult. When you take the difficult path, life will eventually become easy.
Read MoreI Don't Like the Term "Self-Help." Here's Why.
dan masden
As Albert Einstein says, "Problems cannot be solved using the same mind that created them."
Read MoreWhat Personal Growth and Your iPhone Have In Common
dan masden
Real transformation doesn't happen at the level of thinking, it happens at the level of IDENTITY.
Read MoreShe Went From Emotionally Dead to Alive and Thriving. Here's how.
dan masden
This is what Life Amplified is about. It's not about delaying happiness into the future when you get a new job, make more money, find a new relationship, or reach some other goal on the horizon.
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