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125 5th Avenue Northeast #160
Saint Petersburg, FL, 33701
United States


You have a purpose in life. Isn't it time you start living it? Creative Soul Coaching is about helping you reconnect to your happiness. Happy people who are connected to their purpose don't have time to be depressed. They don't surround themselves with people who bring them down or hold them back. Happy people who live their purpose make better decisions that elevate their life.

My name is Dan Mason. I walked away from a six-figure, corporate career where I was successful, but not fulfilled. It's the bravest and most rewarding thing i've ever done. On my journey, I learned the tools and techniques to find clarity about my life's mission, the uncover what was holding me back, and to overcome fear. Now I share these same tools with clients to help them live a life of freedom, confidence, fulfillment, and joy.

Video Testimonial


What Can Coaching Do For you?

MEet Luke Bailey-Wong, 51, a Global Creative Director in Los Angeles.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that life coaching is only for people who are "lost." Luke has a beautiful family, a thriving career, and financial security. 

Yet, he felt there was something holding him back from fully showing up in the world as the most authentic version of himself. In just a few sessions, we got the truth of what was really keeping him playing small. We worked on making a new decision, and we created an inspiring vision for the next chapter of his life. 

I want to help you move forward as well. Your transformation begins the moment you enroll for Purpose & Passion!

KAte Richardson, 32, Cosmetologist

Kate is one of the students I am most proud of. When we started together, she had absolutely lost hope for her life. She was stuck in an 8-5 office job that made her miserable. Her dating life was a mess. She was struggling to find the motivation to even do the most basic acts of self-care. 

Eight months later, she's left the job she hated,she went back to school to pursue her love of cosmetology, she has a relationship, and most importantly...she has found herself! Listen to her talk about the turnaround and then sign up for Purpose & Passion today!






We started working together two months ago when she was trying to overcome her fear about pursuing her life's mission. Jenna's vision is to be a heart centered entrepreneur who inspires women to develop a positive body image. Combining her love of physical fitness, yoga, and mentoring, she has an awesome vision for her life. 

But like all of us, she has survival patterns that are holding her back. 

My work is to help her remove the blocks that are standing between her and her purpose. In this video, she talks about our partnership and what coaching has done for her.

I'd love to help deliver results for you. To enroll in Purpose & Passionsimply click here. Transformation begins the moment you take that first step to invest in yourself!


Jenna is a 27 year old accountant in New York City. But she has a much bigger dream for her life. Before she could move in the direction of her goals, we had to uncover and remove the mental roadblocks that were holding her back. She talks about her coaching experience in this testimonial. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve this incredible woman! For more information on how we can work together to create more purpose, passion, joy, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life, email