Creative Soul Coaching

Contact Us


Contact me and let me know how I can serve you!


125 5th Avenue Northeast #160
Saint Petersburg, FL, 33701
United States


You have a purpose in life. Isn't it time you start living it? Creative Soul Coaching is about helping you reconnect to your happiness. Happy people who are connected to their purpose don't have time to be depressed. They don't surround themselves with people who bring them down or hold them back. Happy people who live their purpose make better decisions that elevate their life.

My name is Dan Mason. I walked away from a six-figure, corporate career where I was successful, but not fulfilled. It's the bravest and most rewarding thing i've ever done. On my journey, I learned the tools and techniques to find clarity about my life's mission, the uncover what was holding me back, and to overcome fear. Now I share these same tools with clients to help them live a life of freedom, confidence, fulfillment, and joy.



What would your life Be like if you did the one thing you’re afraid of?


Yes… THAT thing.

The only difference between people who go through the motions, feeling trapped, uninspired, and unfulfilled in a soul-sucking job... and those who wake up feeling passionate, alive, and in control of their time, finances, and life is ONE thing!

The people who are thriving emotionally, financially and spiritually know their life’s calling and have turned it into a purposeful, profitable career.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You’re overwhelmed from juggling the responsibilities of remote work, remote learning, and running a household during the pandemic and it’s left you emotionally bankrupt.

  • You daydream about leaving your soul-sucking job but fear of failure, rejection, and financial ruin have kept you stuck where you are.

  • You’re terrified that chasing your dreams means you won’t be able to support your family.

  • You know you’re meant for a next level, but also feel guilty for wanting more when so many others are struggling.

  • You want to transition to a more meaningful career but “imposter syndrome” has held you back from taking action. You often say to yourself “Who am I to ________?

  • You still don’t know exactly what you want to be when you “grow up.”

  • You believe your family and friends will think you’ve lost your damn mind when you tell them you want to reinvent your career and life.

  • 50+ hours a week in the office on top of family commitments mean you can’t find time to work on YOUR dreams.

Hi, I’m Dan Mason! I’m a nationally recognized career and life re-imagination coach, television personality, and host of the Apple #1 debut podcast, Life Amplified!

In 2012, I was feeling trapped in a high-paying, low fulfillment executive job. I was also overweight, battling depression, and getting divorced. My life looked great on Instagram and felt empty in reality. Worse yet, I suffered in silence because I didn’t know how to ask for help.

However, the experience taught me a valuable lesson that changed my life....

Life-Work Balance Doesn't Work When You hate Your Job!

I left behind a cushy 6-figure job to discover my purpose.

Today, I own a passion-filled business that gives me the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. I've helped clients in 17 countries, co-authored a best-selling book, launched a #1 podcast, and travelled the country as a keynote speaker.

That’s what LIFE AMPLIFIED means to me… amplifying your gifts, amplifying your voice, amplifying your creativity, amplifying your JOY!

And I’d love to help you unlock your purpose so you can do the same!

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Live the life YOU want, not the life you were conditioned to want!

My coaching programs are customized to meet you where YOU are at. When we work together, I will help you: 

  • Discover your life’s calling- Confusion about your next step will be a thing of the past. You will be crystal-clear about what you’re here to do and have a plan to bring it to the world!

  • Get out of your own way- Has procrastination and indecision held you back from creating your next level? Have you put everyone else’s needs before you own and now you’re burned out? There are legitimate reasons you behave the way you do. I will help you get to the heart of what’s really kept you stuck up until now… so you overcome self-sabotage once and for all!

  • Powerful goal setting- Maybe you’ve had big dreams in the past, but haven’t known where to start? I will help you break your dreams down into small micro goals so you feel less overwhelm, and more confidence!

  • Action plan and accountability- We'll develop a daily action plan to accelerate your success and reach your goals faster.

  • Ongoing support- Bringing your purpose to life can feel scary, but you will never go through it alone. You always have email and voice message access to me between sessions to overcome any obstacle. My programs are not just about "coaching." This is a partnership with extraordinary support, implementation, accountability, and transformation!

Just Imagine...

  • Waking up feeling confident, excited, and alive... knowing your day’s work represents the BEST of you!

  • Making an abundant income doing what you love!

  • Having a career that matches your whole being, not just the same skill set that helped you survive in corporate America!

  • Spending your time doing the things which bring you joy!

  • Having more time and energy to devote to the people who matter most to you!

  • Being in complete control of your time, finances, and life!

  • Knowing you’re using your gifts to make a real impact in the lives of others.

But you only get these kinds of results when you invest in yourself and make your happiness a bigger priority than the needs of some corporate bigwigs counting money in a boardroom.



My name is Dan Mason. I'm a nationally recognized career and life transition coach and host of the Apple #1 debut podcast, Life Amplified. I help unfulfilled high performers trade the corporate world for their true calling— so you create a career and life with more impact, income, and happiness.