Be a Creator Not a Reactor
Guest User
What gets in the way of creating an amplified life where you're thriving emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially?
You might be surprised when I tell you that a soul-sucking 9-5 job is NOT the enemy. Neither are toxic relationships, chronic stress, or financial struggle.
While all of those things suck in the short term, they can be your friend.
Here's why.
When the pain of staying trapped in an unfulfilled, unexpressed life becomes too great, we are FORCED to initiate a change. Long term suffering tends to lead us to say "Eff it, I've had enough" and take bold new action to improve the situation.
This is why many people (including me in the past) wait until there is a job layoff, health crisis, or a divorce before they decide to level up. When we ignore our calling, life has a way of forcing us to grow and become more.
However, if you're coasting in a life that's "good enough," there's no leverage to change. You can tread water for decades.
The enemy of an amplified life is an "okay life."
I recently got a message from an Instagram follower who explained why she's been putting off making a change.
"I'm not clear at all on what I want. But I don't feel like working so hard on it at this time because I'm pulled in so many directions. My life is pretty good. I know I'm capable of so much more but I also know that my time to pursue that will come."
You can see, hear, and feel the tension in her message.
On one hand, there's a next-level she knows she would like to create. On the other hand, things are "pretty good," so it's easy to delay new action until the time is "right."
The problem is the only right time to live our purpose is right now.
Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. As Dr. Wayne Dyer reminded us, "Don't die with your music still in you."
My friend Jeanette often speaks of making major life choices from the perspective of your death bed. If God forbid, something were to happen to you tomorrow, what would be the thing you regret not doing?
Is there a dream you always wanted to pursue?
Is there a gift you are called to share?
Is there a problem you could solve or people you could help?
Even if you're not 100% clear on what it is, you must find the answers because they will lead you to your purpose.
And your purpose is the reason you were created.
If you can look in the mirror and say you've answered your calling and you're giving your best version of yourself to the world, then consider this email has a high-five from me to you. I am so proud of you!
But if you're rationalizing about why you should just be content where you're at...
If you're playing small...
If you're going through the motions and procrastinating on creating the life you really want...
If you've lied to yourself and said: "I can figure it out when the kids are out of the house/after I retire/when there's more money in the bank..."
Life will eventually force you to make a change. It will get you moving, but it also comes with a great deal of pain.
You can decide today to be a creator and not a reactor.
You can consciously design what you want from a place of clarity and certainty rather than stay stuck in confusion and fear.
You don't have to settle for "okay" in a Universe that wants to be "extraordinary."
I'm right here to help you make the change.
Loving you from here,