Case Study: How She Turned Her Woe Into Wisdom
dan masden
There are times in life when it seems like everything is falling apart.
When Stacy first reached out to me last year, her life felt like a proverbial "s**t storm."
- She was reeling from a breakup with her boyfriend.
- Her ex-husband racked up tens of thousands of dollars in debt on credit cards that were in both of their names. Since he was broke and unable to pay, the creditors were coming to foreclose on her house.
- To top it off, she was put on a performance improvement plan at her sales job and was 90 days away from being fired.
Like any new client in that situation, her first question was "Why is all this happening to me?"
I told her it was happening to clear space for something better to be born in her life.
That's not always easy to accept when we're facing a huge struggle.
Studies show human beings spend 70% of our conscious waking hours living by the hormones of stress. The "fight or flight" response is tricky. It requires our attention to be focused externally so we can seek out the next "threat." Fight or flight leaves no room for rest and repair. It cuts us off from our own wisdom and creativity because our we're unable to go within. Ultimately, our brain only focuses on the problems at hand rather than finding solutions.
Which perpetuates.... more stress.
When we live by the hormones of stress, we fight to hang onto what was rather than open ourselves to what could be. Thus, we get in the way of the breakthrough waiting to unfold.
Oh by the way, if you are reading this and are currently experiencing a crisis or moment of pain... there is ALWAYS a breakthrough on the other side.
For Stacy to succeed, we had to get her mindset right. We started with some daily self-care rituals to help her quiet her mind and reconnect to her own intuition. I taught her some powerful meditation and breathing techniques. I asked her to start journaling each day. From there, we had to set priorities as to where she should focus her attention.
She couldn't control how her ex-boyfriend acted.
She was past the point of being able to control the foreclosure on her home.
But she COULD control how she showed up at work.
She replaced blame ("My manager is setting me up to fail") with an empowering, new belief. She decided that NOBODY was going to tell her when it was time to leave her job.
For her to save the job, she had to hit an enormous sales goal in the next quarter. The mountain was a big one to climb, but she stayed focused on finding solutions.
Her manager didn't think she could do it and would ask her what her plan was for her next job. Many people would use comments like that as more evidence they aren't "good enough." She didn't listen.
With only 12 hours left in her deadline, she closed a huge piece of business to hit her goal and save her job.
Everything else fell into place soon thereafter. The house she was scared to lose? She actually felt relieved to see it go away as it freed her from the last piece of her bad marriage.
The relationship she was grieving? The hurt was replaced with gratitude. Losing the boyfriend enabled her to find herself again.
Stacy and I haven't done a session together since last November, but she's still taking the strategies she learned in coaching to maintain her momentum. She's now the number 3 sales person in her company. Her income is up by 33% over last year and she's already at 87% of her yearly sales budget... in May!
What I love most is how she turned all of her woe into wisdom. Taking the lessons she learned as she regained control of her life, she's now mentoring newer sales people at her company, helping them navigate their growing pains so they have the mindset to succeed.
So how do you master your mindset and get the same results?
- Surrender your will to the will of the Universe. Whatever pain you are facing today will go away when you learn the lesson it is here to teach you. The lesson will not be found by hanging on to the past. You must trust the things which no longer serve you are being removed to create something better than you could imagine.
- Surrendering will scare you and trigger every issue of lack and self-worth you have. You can try to white-knuckle it on your own, but that rarely works. Find a mentor or coach who has already accomplished what you are trying to do on your own and model their success.
If you feel like it's time to find a mentor to help you breakthrough, I'd be honored to serve you on your path. I'd also like you to experience the benefits of coaching with a FREE, 25-minute breakthrough coaching session. Let's uncover the hidden cobweb beliefs that are keeping you from the life you want and create your next grounded action step. Simply hit reply to schedule your session today.
Don't feel ready for 1-on-1 coaching? No worries. Yesterday, I wrote to you about a powerful new online course designed to teach you how to reprogram your brain and become a magnet for your greatest desires. Find out more about Dr. Joe Dispenza's "Making Your Mind Matter" course by clicking the banner below. This one has been such a game changer in my life, I'm rewatching it from the beginning.
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